Back to school!!
Well, this past week was my first week of student teaching and when I say one week, I mean 3 days, BUT STILL. It happened. The week began with our student teaching class where we had to sit and discuss certain things that may come up during this experience and it was nice, but sitting for hours can make a person go a little stir-crazy. When it came to the topic of resumes and getting jobs, I became a little nervous. Needless to say, when I graduate, I would love to get a job. That's all I'm saying, but it's crazy! We prepare portfolios and resumes and we bring our A-game to interviews and pray that the prinicipal and the fine arts director know that we love this and we want to teach and we leave everything in the hands of complete strangers and we just really hope that soon, they'll be our colleagues.
Anyways, after those two days of class, it kind of hit me that the next day, I would be back in high school. It's a little terrifying, plus who really wants to go back to high school? Only this time, I would be teaching. I'd be Ms. Reed. WHAT? So, the night before, I had my freak out moments. And no, the 's' was not a mistake- I had several moments of me freaking out. It wasn't until I talked to my mother before I went to bed that I felt completely confident in my abilities as a student teacher. I have been blessed with amazing mentors and I know that I am capable and I can change lives, but knowing that my mom, my number one fan- someone who has always had my back and will always be in my corner, has all of the faith in me just soothes my soul. So, I calmed myself a bit, prepared everything for the next day, said my prayers and attempted to sleep. I tossed and turned for an hour and finally went to sleep. 5:30am came so fast.
Wednesday- TONS of observation. Here's the schedule:
0 pd- Show Choir
1st pd- Freshman Boys
2nd pd- Girls Glee
3rd pd- A Cappella
4th pd- Women's Select
5th pd- Conference
6th pd- Music Theory
7th pd- Conference
Notice that lunch is in all caps. That's important. Show Choir was a lot of fun to observe! The kids are so full of energy at 7:45am. I don't understand how that's possible, but it's a good thing! They have a Broadway Revue coming up, so it's choreography and laughs first thing in the morning and it's the most fun! 1st period was a little unpredictable. Freshman boys are freshman boys. haha I think that's the best way to describe it. The 2nd period ladies are the sweetest. 3rd period is A Cappella and those kids are the definite leaders and they're fun. 4th period is awesome as well. The students are all so forward and gutsy. They have no problem telling us their business about their bathroom time and having a filter? NOPE. Doesn't happen. haha I honestly wish I were that way in high school, but it's too late for that. Day 1 could have been super awkward, especially since all of the students are walking in and noticing someone new. The first thing a student asked me was "Are you a new student? Where are you from?" THE FIRST DAY. Come on!! I am 23 and I still look like I'm in high school even in my fancy new teacher clothes?! Ridiculous. Anyway, I was pretty much tossed into the mix. I was introduced as the new student teacher and the kids seemed excited about having a new face in the classroom. I helped with sight reading and helped pick solos for Solo and Ensemble [yayy!!] and I observed and followed along with their music for UIL.
The next day, I got to do warmups in the midst of an all-school assembly. School assemblies are terrible for teachers. You loose all of your students and you're left twiddling your thumbs wondering "What can I do with 4 students in choir?" Individual work is the answer. I helped a few boys learn their solos and I did get the chance to warm up A Cappella and 4th pd ladies. A Cappella clapped for me. 'Twas precious and a lot of fun.
Day 3 was just as exciting! I led warmups for every choir AND I did a mock UIL sight reading with the ladies. LET ME TELL YOU, IT IS SO WEIRD BEING ON THE OTHER SIDE. Sorry for the all caps explosion, but seriously, it is terrifying. I talked with my cooperating teacher the day before when she presented me with the opportunity and I immediately explained my fear of the sight reading room at UIL. Even in high school! Walking into the SR room, some stranger hands you a piece of music that someone composed to trip you up and being scored on it is nerve-racking and being the conductor is difficult. You have to be confident in your ensemble and your skills and brain have to go into hyper-drive. You have to be aware of the type of piece, what's to come and notice where the issues could lie. It's insane, but I did a great job and I felt good about it. My cooperating teacher had great feedback to give and according to a lovely student, I didn't look nervous at all! YEA! Yesterday was also Broadway Revue auditions, so we were there until 6:15pm. The first long day and I'm sure more are to come, but I'm ready!
It goes without saying that I am excited about this placement. I am being given so many opportunities at Waco High School and every single day is fun. The students are amazing! There is so much comradery between them and the my cooperating teachers are great! I look forward to helping with the shows and contests they have coming up.
Fun quotes from this week:
"Why do goldfish smile when they're being eaten?"
"He looks like a baby rhino!"
Until next week,
Anyways, after those two days of class, it kind of hit me that the next day, I would be back in high school. It's a little terrifying, plus who really wants to go back to high school? Only this time, I would be teaching. I'd be Ms. Reed. WHAT? So, the night before, I had my freak out moments. And no, the 's' was not a mistake- I had several moments of me freaking out. It wasn't until I talked to my mother before I went to bed that I felt completely confident in my abilities as a student teacher. I have been blessed with amazing mentors and I know that I am capable and I can change lives, but knowing that my mom, my number one fan- someone who has always had my back and will always be in my corner, has all of the faith in me just soothes my soul. So, I calmed myself a bit, prepared everything for the next day, said my prayers and attempted to sleep. I tossed and turned for an hour and finally went to sleep. 5:30am came so fast.
Wednesday- TONS of observation. Here's the schedule:
0 pd- Show Choir
1st pd- Freshman Boys
2nd pd- Girls Glee
3rd pd- A Cappella
4th pd- Women's Select
5th pd- Conference
6th pd- Music Theory
7th pd- Conference
Notice that lunch is in all caps. That's important. Show Choir was a lot of fun to observe! The kids are so full of energy at 7:45am. I don't understand how that's possible, but it's a good thing! They have a Broadway Revue coming up, so it's choreography and laughs first thing in the morning and it's the most fun! 1st period was a little unpredictable. Freshman boys are freshman boys. haha I think that's the best way to describe it. The 2nd period ladies are the sweetest. 3rd period is A Cappella and those kids are the definite leaders and they're fun. 4th period is awesome as well. The students are all so forward and gutsy. They have no problem telling us their business about their bathroom time and having a filter? NOPE. Doesn't happen. haha I honestly wish I were that way in high school, but it's too late for that. Day 1 could have been super awkward, especially since all of the students are walking in and noticing someone new. The first thing a student asked me was "Are you a new student? Where are you from?" THE FIRST DAY. Come on!! I am 23 and I still look like I'm in high school even in my fancy new teacher clothes?! Ridiculous. Anyway, I was pretty much tossed into the mix. I was introduced as the new student teacher and the kids seemed excited about having a new face in the classroom. I helped with sight reading and helped pick solos for Solo and Ensemble [yayy!!] and I observed and followed along with their music for UIL.
The next day, I got to do warmups in the midst of an all-school assembly. School assemblies are terrible for teachers. You loose all of your students and you're left twiddling your thumbs wondering "What can I do with 4 students in choir?" Individual work is the answer. I helped a few boys learn their solos and I did get the chance to warm up A Cappella and 4th pd ladies. A Cappella clapped for me. 'Twas precious and a lot of fun.
Day 3 was just as exciting! I led warmups for every choir AND I did a mock UIL sight reading with the ladies. LET ME TELL YOU, IT IS SO WEIRD BEING ON THE OTHER SIDE. Sorry for the all caps explosion, but seriously, it is terrifying. I talked with my cooperating teacher the day before when she presented me with the opportunity and I immediately explained my fear of the sight reading room at UIL. Even in high school! Walking into the SR room, some stranger hands you a piece of music that someone composed to trip you up and being scored on it is nerve-racking and being the conductor is difficult. You have to be confident in your ensemble and your skills and brain have to go into hyper-drive. You have to be aware of the type of piece, what's to come and notice where the issues could lie. It's insane, but I did a great job and I felt good about it. My cooperating teacher had great feedback to give and according to a lovely student, I didn't look nervous at all! YEA! Yesterday was also Broadway Revue auditions, so we were there until 6:15pm. The first long day and I'm sure more are to come, but I'm ready!
It goes without saying that I am excited about this placement. I am being given so many opportunities at Waco High School and every single day is fun. The students are amazing! There is so much comradery between them and the my cooperating teachers are great! I look forward to helping with the shows and contests they have coming up.
Fun quotes from this week:
"Why do goldfish smile when they're being eaten?"
"He looks like a baby rhino!"
Until next week,