Hello all,

My last post was all about living my #stressfreesummer and I'm definitely working on that. It can be difficult, but Netflix helps A LOT. Anywhooo (sorry, I'm that person), I recently moved out on my own and there are a few things I've noticed about living that #lonelylife.

1. The SilenceNo worries, guys. I'm not lonely, but living alone is weird. And quiet. Too quiet. I have really great hearing and phantom noises/creaks freak. me. out. It's nice being able to occupy a small space, but sometimes the silence is overwhelming and I find that having the TV or music on helps tremendously. I'm hoping to not feel so weird with being alone with just my thoughts...and creepy noises my apartment makes at times.

2. Boredom is REAL: I'm pretty sure this is because summer is here and I am seriously lacking a routine, but I get bored easily. Watching Netflix can only do so much for me.(Nothing against Netflix. Netflix is bae.) When I do get bored of Netflix, I find myself either organizing and cleaning my apartment or coloring in my beautiful coloring book I bought a few months ago. It helps to focus on something other than the lack of routine in my life. 

3. Getting out is hard: Okay. I know I sound insane, but I have serious issues with going out alone. Going out to a movie, reading a book at a coffee shop, or even shopping alone is difficult when dealing with my anxiety. I get extremely uncomfortable and worried just thinking about sitting in a movie theatre by myself. This is honestly something that I have to work towards. I know for a fact it's okay to date yourself. As a twenty-something, its totally allowed and encouraged. I have to learn to live with myself, which means forcing myself to do these type of things. The grocery store obviously happens...I have to eat. 

4. Trying new things: Like smoothies. YOU GUYS. I might have watched way too many YouTube videos (I'm not even ashamed) and pinned some awesome recipes, but I found something that is healthy (from what I read) and it tastes divine

It's modeled after a Whole Foods smoothie that a YouTuber raved about and showed her viewers how to make. I'm posting the recipe I came up with here if you're not into watching the video!

Tropical Green smoothie:
-1 cup of Almond Milk

-Handful of ice (not necessary if you use frozen fruit)
-2-3 tbsp of Greek Yogurt (Chobani gets so much love from me)
-1 banana
-Handful of frozen mangos and pineapples
-1/2 tbsp Agave Nectar
-Handful of Spinach 

Blend it all up and drink that green mess. DELICIOUS!

I also realize how much I love to cook. I made a burrito bowl last night for dinner and I had the best breakfast tacos this morning with avocado, spinach, and mozzarella cheese. I'm ready to host so many things! #hostesswiththemostest #sorryforthehashtags

5. Creating my space: The coolest thing about living alone is making this barren space mine. I'm not even close to being finished with decorating, but I can't wait to see what this place will look like. It's fun brainstorming ideas and making your little apartment feel like home. 

Overall, living by myself has been great. It's also great being able to rely on my family and friends if/when I need them. It's easy to get stuck in a rut and I'm hoping that doesn't happen. For now, I'm going to focus on the dozens of Pinterest DIYs that I want to try and I'm getting excited for road trips with friends, my niece's 2nd birthday, and TCDA

Thanks for reading,

Ms. Reed

Here are some of my favorite parts of my apartment:

Thankful for Jade and Target for the most adorable bar area.
I have this thing about chalk. I love it.

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